Welcome to "In Bloom," our enchanting art show presented in collaboration with the Milford Garden Club. Embracing the beauty of nature's bounty, this exhibition invites artists to explore the theme of blossoming flora and verdant landscapes. As part of the festivities, artists are invited to participate in a paint out on June 21st and 22nd, where they can immerse themselves in the lush gardens of our community, capturing the vibrant colors and delicate textures of blooming flowers firsthand. Alternatively, artists may choose to submit pieces that evoke the spirit of "In Bloom" in their own unique interpretation. Whether capturing the essence of a sun-dappled garden or showcasing the intricate details of a single blossom, "In Bloom" promises to be a celebration of the boundless beauty found within nature's ever-changing canvas.
Paint Out (Milford Gardens) –June 21/22
Intake – June 26/27 10am-2pm
Hang – June 28
Reception – July 20, 5pm-8pm
Pick Up – July 20 (after reception) or July 22 4:30pm-6:30pm